One of those days-5

Once in while comes a morning- like a thunderbolt striking-and you cannot get out of the bed, or even open your eyes. You try and struggle in vain, its like something heavy has been placed on your mind and body, unable to move, unable to do anything. You lay there, waiting for the feeling to pass, seconds, minutes, hours- time just withers away. And then finally you are able to move, get out of the bed and try to make something out of the rest of day.

Such days are tiring, mentally and physically- and you cannot put a finger on why exactly it is so. Sometimes such a day comes after a series of stressful and anxious days. But then sometimes it just crash lands on you, out of the blue, those days hit harder, because you don’t know why it happened.

All you can do is get up when you can, push yourself little by little, get few things done or at least try- try to make something out of the day which started out dreadfully. One moment after another you try and regain the day which was otherwise lost to you. And there is your little triumph- you made it through a day that was supposed to be lost to you.

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