Faith and us

Crisis of faith- we humans face this often, reasons for the same may be manifold. Many of us are/were believers because that is what we were brought up into, few of us remained there while few ventured out of it- agnostics to atheism. Faith is and should always be a personal choice- but most of the world is pushed towards a certain belief or faith by pressure of the external influences- this couldn’t be more wrong.

But the main question is why do we believe is something which is physically un-present? Why would we pray and wish at something so intangible? Why do we resort to such a way and not do something by ourselves? These are profound questions of which many philosophers and thinkers have given or tried giving explanations, yet the questions still remain.

There is one simple reason to it though, the deepest and most compelling one maybe. Have you reached a point in your life when nothing, absolutely nothing and no one can save the situation- you are utterly helpless. HELPLESSNESS- complete and utter helplessness- the strongest drive that pushes one into believing that some invisible power might help them out- the last resort. And we just loose track when a last straw like hope became a way out of every hard situation.

HELPLESSNESS- breaks and builds faith.

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